Bitter or Sweet Water

The book of James advises us on our speaking. In 3:9-11 James is addressing the tongue. It reads

With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?

I find this post difficult to write as I anticipate being labeled judgemental.  Please know that I am daily examining myself to attempt to keep this flaw of character in check.  I have recently shared via the post Have you ever got a spanking in church? how I have received correction in this area.  Please read my heart and understand that I am sharing this in all humility with the simple desire to see all of us walk more accurately according to God’s word.

Shortly after I started this blog back in September I decided to open a Facebook account.  I did this to give my friends and family easier access to my posts.  If you reference my post My first day in my new chapter you will see that prior to these events I have been mostly “anti” social media.

Recently, I have observed a curious pattern in some members postings.  In the span of one day you can see a post like the following:

 thumbs up button   like button  ...

Awesome.  Great.  I like it.  Interestingly, as I continue my scrolling I may come across another post from the same member with their daily horoscope.  Hmm.  Then there is a sarcastically humored picture full of expletives.

Now, let me clarify, I am a card-carrying member of the sarcasm club but I find it to be just as effective without the words that have to be shortened to the first letter when children are around.

So this is my link to those that I may not often how contact with.  I’m mildly confused.  Who are they?

Are we considering the message that we are sending?

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.  Psalm 19:14

Do we have unanswered prayers that we are frustrated about?

For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.  James 1:7-8

Have we considered the fact that although Jesus does not show up on our friends list He is indeed on Facebook?

Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Or where can I flee from Your presence?  If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.  Psalm 139:7-8

I know this post won’t get a lot of likes and that’s okay.  My hope is that we will step back and gather some insight.  Take a moment to examine our message and ask the Holy Spirit to help us make the adjustments.

Be blessed and live your victory.

photo credit: image courtesy of graur razvan ionut at

3 thoughts on “Bitter or Sweet Water

  1. I had a Facebook account for a couple of short months. I didn’t see what you did (fortunately) but I did see endless trivia and philosophies of the world from Christians. Also, I found Facebook time-consuming and obsessive, and I closed it. Having said all that, I am feeling prompted to re-open a Facebook account for the same reasons that you have. Are you glad you opened one?

    • Deborah, I am actually quite happy with it. It gives me a wider audience whenever someone shares it on their timeline. This evening I actually created a seperate page for the blog posts so that I can keep them seperate from family stuff.

  2. Musing this same kind of thing! Thanks for sharing!

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